Fall 2020
This quirky (to put it mildly) year of 2020 continues, and even though publishing has been affected like nearly everything else, I do have a few new titles to share:
Happy Spring 2020, although perhaps the strangest spring that many of us have ever experienced. It is my sincere hope that everyone stays safe and well. Especially in this strange and chaotic time, books are essential, and I have been busy writing new titles for young readers:

New Books for Fall 2019!

New Year, New Books
February 2019
There’s no better way to celebrate 2019 than with a new selection of books, and as usual, they cover many different subjects and age levels.
I am continuing to write titles for Abdo’s Duchess Harris collection:
I also had a great time writing about self-driving cars:
I’m also continuing as compiling editor for more titles dealing with current events:
Books, Books, Books!
October 2018
Suddenly it’s fall, and I have a new crop of books coming out that were written or edited in 2018.
My newest editing project is compiling several nonfiction books for the New York Times Educational Publishing:
My latest writing projects include two titles for Mitchell Lane’s America’s Infrastructure series:
One of the most difficult books that I have ever written also came out this fall, about the school shootings in Florida in February of 2018.
More new releases include titles from Rosen on Women in Business, and from Britannica on Supply and Demand Economics:
All of these titles are available on Amazon and through other distributors. And stay tuned: I have already finished writing several new titles for 2019, with more on the way!
Spring 2018
Two more of my new titles for Spring 2018, part of the Junior Biographies From Ancient Civilizations series from Mitchell Lane.
Welcome 2018!
It’s the season for author copies, and here are three of my newest titles for 2018, from Rosen YA:
NSTA Review of Innovators
The National Science Teachers Association has recommended my book Innovators: The Stories Behind the People Who Shaped the World, with 25 Projects. You can read their review here.
More New Titles for 2017!
Investigating Disasters: Floods, Capstone 2017 (as Elizabeth Elkins)
Investigating Disasters: Earthquakes, Capstone 2017 (as Elizabeth Elkins)
Investigating Disasters: Tornadoes, Capstone 2017 (as Elizabeth Elkins)
Investigating Disasters: Hurricanes, Capstone 2017 (as Elizabeth Elkins)
The Cotton Industry, Abdo 2017
Innovators, Nomad 2017
Real Monsters: Tasmanian Devil, Abdo 2017
Compiling Editor, At Issue: Book Banning, Greenhaven 2017
Hip Hop Music, Abdo 2017
Circus Science: Mind-Bending Circus Science, Capstone 2017
Circus Science: High-Flying Circus Science, Capstone 2017
Compiling Editor, Global Viewpoints: Extreme Weather, Greenhaven 2017
Cool Careers Without College for People Who Love to Repair Things
Cool Careers Without College for People Who Love Photography
Bit Rot: Preserving the Documents Most Important to You
Teen 411: I Am Homeless. Now What?
all from Rosen Publishing
A very nice review of my Roaring Twenties book, from the Asheville Citizen-Times:
New for 2017!

School Library Journal’s Series Made Simple, Fall 2016
Four of my new fall titles (The Jamestown Colony Disaster, Genghis Khan and the Building of the Mongol Empire, The Bill of Rights, and The U.S. Constitution) have received favorable reviews in SLJ’s Series Made Simple supplement for Fall 2016.
School Library Connection Review
A nice review of the Eyewitness to World War II series from The Child’s World. I wrote the Tuskegee Airmen title:
Eyewitness to World War II review
Booklist Starred Review
Two of my new titles are part of The Child’s World series “How America Works,” which just received a starred review from Booklist. The review is for my U.S.Constitution title:
New Titles for Fall 2016!
Ninja Science and Samurai Science, Capstone
Genghis Khan and the Building of the Mongol Empire, Rosen
Ancient Chinese Daily Life, Rosen
Let’s Find Out! Community Economics: What Are Producers and Consumers?, Britannica Educational Publishing
Let’s Find Out! Community Economics: What Are Jobs and Earnings?, Britannica Educational Publishing
Cheer Tryouts and Training, Abdo
Spirit-Raising Cheers and Chants, Abdo
Cheer Skills and Drills, Abdo
Solving Real World Problems with Agricultural Engineering, Rosen
Eyewitness to The Tuskegee Airmen, The Child’s World
Missions of the US Air Force Combat Controllers, The Child’s World
Missions of the US Army Rangers, The Child’s World
Inquire and Investigate: The Great Depression, Nomad
Mighty Military Ships, Abdo
Blake Shelton, Abdo
Supporting the Elderly Through Service Learning, Rosen
Inquire and Investigate: Civic Unrest, Nomad
Buffalo Bill Cody: Fact or Fiction?, Mitchell Lane
Rixton, Mitchell Lane
World War II Espionage, Abdo
Gluten-Free and Other Special Diets, Abdo
Working as a Plumber in Your Community, Rosen
Your Legal Rights as an Immigrant, Rosen
The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, Cherry Lake Publishing
The California Gold Rush, Cherry Lake Publishing
Inquire and Investigate: The Roaring Twenties, Nomad Press
Essential Events: D Day, Abdo
Vo-Tech Careers: Human Services, Rosen
True Survival Stories: Accidents and Crashes, Lerner
True Survival Stories: Natural Disasters, Lerner
The Science of Motorcycle Racing, Capstone
Digital Career Building Using Digital Art and Animation Tools, Rosen
Health Careers in Two Years: Physical Therapy,Rosen
Careers for Teens Who Like to Write, Rosen
History Perspectives: Bunker Hill, Cherry Lake
History Perspectives: Titanic, Cherry Lake
Banned Books, Abdo
Countries of the World: Greece, Abdo
Countries of the World: Spain, Abdo
Military Special Ops, 4 titles
Celebrity Bios: Booboo Stewart, Lerner
Celebrity Bios: One Direction, Lerner
Technology Pioneers: Netflix, Abdo
Technology Pioneers: Steve Jobs, Abdo
Lifeline Biographies: Suzanne Collins, Lerner
Supreme Court Decisions: Tinker vs Des Moines, Abdo
Contemporary Biographies: Justin Timberlake, Abdo
Unsolved Mysteries: D.B. Cooper, Abdo
Essential Events: The Capture and Killing of Osama bin Laden, Abdo
Essential Events: The Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami, Abdo
Essential Events: The Three Mile Island Accident, Abdo
Essential Events: The Chilean Miners Rescue, Abdo
African Americans in the Military, Mason Crest
History Digs: Colonization and Settlement, Cherry Lake Publishing
Essential Lives: Mark Zuckerberg, Abdo
Essential Events: The Oregon Trail, Abdo
Essential Events: Women’s Suffrage, Abdo
Essential Events: The Chernobyl Disaster, Abdo
Women of the Empire State and Women of the Prairie State (contributing
author), Apprentice Shop Books
How to Break Into Entertainment, Abdo
Essential Lives: Social Networking Creators, Abdo
Essential Issues: Natural Disasters, Abdo
How to Critique Stephen King, Abdo
Essential Events: Tiananmen Square Protests, Abdo
Essential Issues: The Role of Women in Religion, Abdo
Our Amazing States, 16 titles, Rosen Publishing
Essential Issues: Poverty, Abdo
Our Amazing States, six titles, Rosen Publishing
Essential Viewpoints: Cosmetic Surgery, Abdo
Essential Viewpoints: Marketing to Children, Abdo
Essential Viewpoints: Obesity and Food Policing, Abdo
Essential Events: The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Abdo
Presidents of the United States: Revolution and the New Nation, Weigl
Building History: The National Mall, Lucent Books
Building History: The International Space Station, Lucent Books
Building History: The Chunnel, Lucent Books
Building History: A Nuclear Power Plant, Lucent Books
Building History: The Empire State Building, Lucent Books
Building History: The Canals of Venice, Lucent Books
Building History: The Hoover Dam, Lucent Books
Building History: The Holy City of Jerusalem, Lucent Books
Insect Musicians, LLI Books/Heinemann
Sometimes the Dead Can Speak, LLI Books/Heinemann